41 research outputs found

    Space and demonstratives: an experiment with Estonian exophoric demonstratives

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    In recent years, the study of exophoric demonstratives has increased in Indo- European languages, but has received fairly little research attention in Estonian. The aim of the study is to verify by the means of a production experiment whether distance has an effect on the choice of Estonian exophoric demonstratives. Binomial mixed effects logistic regression analysis suggests that distance is the best predictor for the choice between demonstrative adverbs, but it has no effect on the choice between the demonstrative pronoun see ‘this’ and other referential devices, which can be explained by the lack of usage of the demonstrative pronoun too ‘that’. However, there also occurs unexpected usage of demonstrative adverbs that is best explained by other attributes of the referent and reference situation rather than simple spatial opposition. Thus, although the best predictor in demonstrative adverb choice proves to be distance, other attributes may play a fairly important role

    Katsed demonstratiivpronoomenite ja demonstratiivadverbidega

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDemonstratiivid – sĂ”nad nagu see ja too ning siin ja seal – saavad oma tĂ€henduse kontekstis. Maailma keeltes on ruumilises kontekstis ehk ruumis viitamisel peamiseks demonstratiivide valikut mĂ”jutavaks teguriks peetud referendi kaugust kĂ”nelejast. Eesti keele demonstratiivide kasutust on ruumilises kontekstis aga vĂ€he kĂ€sitletud. Siinse doktoritöö eesmĂ€rgiks on uurida, kas eesti keeles mĂ”jutavad demonstratiivide valikut peale kauguse ka teised tegurid. Lisaks vaadeldakse, kuidas nende tegurite mĂ”ju erineb eesti, vene ja soome keele demonstratiivide kasutusest ning kuidas on demonstratiivid seotud teiste viitevahendite (nt noomenifraaside ja personaalpronoomenite) kasutusega. Tööst selgub, et eesti keele demonstratiivide valikut mĂ”jutavad referendi kaugus kĂ”nelejast, referendi eristatavus ja kontrastiivne olukord. Mida kaugemal on referent, seda rohkem kasutatakse demonstratiive too ja seal, mida lĂ€hemal on referent, seda rohkem demonstratiive see ja siin. Referendi eristatavuse mĂ”ju ei avaldu mitte selles, kas kĂ”neleja valib raskesti eristatavale referendile viidates demonstratiivi see vĂ”i too, vaid selles, kuidas kasutatakse demonstratiivi seal. Kui referenti on keeruline mĂ€rgata, alustatakse lauset demonstratiiviga seal, millele lisatakse seejĂ€rel tĂ€psem referendi kirjeldus, nt sealt kolmesest rĂŒhmast kĂ”ige parempoolne klots. Kontrasti mĂ”ju ilmnemiseks peavad omavahel vĂ”rreldavad referendid aga asuma nii kĂ”neleja kui ĂŒksteise suhtes kaugel. Kauguse ja kontrasti mĂ”ju osas sarnaneb eesti keel vene ja soome keelega, kuid kĂ”ik need keeled erinevad ĂŒksteisest teiste viitevahendite kasutamise poolest. Soome keeles eelistatakse demonstratiive, vene keeles noomenifraase ja personaalpronoomeneid. Eesti keel jÀÀb viitevahendite kasutuse poolest nende kahe keele vahele. Doktoritööst jĂ€reldub, et eesti keeles mĂ”jutab demonstratiivide valikut eelkĂ”ige kaugus. Teiste viitavahendite kasutust mĂ”jutab aga demonstratiivide arv keeles. Mida rohkem on keeles demonstratiive, seda rohkem funktsioone nad tĂ€idavad ning seda vĂ€hem lĂ€heb vaja teisi viitevahendeid.Demonstratives, words like this and there, get their meaning from context. In spatial reference, i.e., indicating referents in physical space, the distance of the referent from the speaker has been considered the main factor that influences the choice of demonstratives in the world’s languages. In Estonian, however, the use of demonstratives in spatial context has had little research attention. The aim of this thesis is to study the factors that influence the choice of Estonian demonstratives in spatial reference and to explore how these factors differ in the use of Estonian, Russian and Finnish demonstratives. In addition, the study investigates how the use of demonstratives is linked to the use of other referential devices (e.g., bare NPs and personal pronouns). The findings suggest that the choice of Estonian demonstratives is influenced by the distance of the referent, the visual salience of the referent and the need for contrast. The farther the referent is, the more demonstratives too and seal are used, the closer the referent is, the more demonstratives, see and siin are used. The impact of visual salience is manifested in the use of the demonstrative adverb seal, i.e., when a distant referent is hard to detect for the addressee, the speaker starts the utterance with seal after which s/he adds a more detailed description of the referent. For the effects of contrast to occur, the referents have to be far from the speaker and from each other. In terms of distance and contrast effects, the results of Estonian, Russian and Finnish are similar, however these languages differ in their use of other referential devices. In Finnish, demonstratives are preferred, whereas Russian speakers tend to use personal pronouns and bare NPs. Estonian lies between these two languages in terms of its use of other referential devices. To conclude, from the tested factors distance has the strongest effect on the choice of Estonian demonstratives. The use of other referential devices is influenced by the number of demonstrative pronouns that a language has and the functions that these demonstratives fulfil.https://www.ester.ee/record=b522969

    Kas see on sama mis too? Hinnangukatse eesti keele demonstratiivpronoomenite ja demonstratiivadverbidega

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    Eesti keeles on kaks demonstratiivpronoomenite sĂŒsteemi: ĂŒheliikmeline, kus kasutatakse demonstratiivpronoomenit seedistantsneutraalselt, ja kaheliikmeline, kus see viitab kĂ”neleja lĂ€hedal ning too kaugel olevale referendile. MĂ”lemas sĂŒsteemis lisatakse demonstratiivpronoomenile sageli demonstratiivadverb (nt see siin). SĂŒsteemi valik nĂ€ib olevat seotud keelekĂ”neleja pĂ€ritoluga – LĂ”una-Eesti pĂ€ritolu kĂ”nelejad kasutavad kaheliikmelist, PĂ”hja-Eesti pĂ€ritolu ĂŒheliikmelist sĂŒsteemi. Uurimuses keskendume kahe demonstratiiviga fraasidele (nt see siin), pĂŒstitades kaks kĂŒsimust. Esiteks, milline on keelekĂ”nelejate enda arvamus selle kohta, milliseid demonstratiive millises ruumilises olukorras nad kasutaksid. Teiseks, kas see, kuidas keelekĂ”neleja arvab end demonstratiive sisaldavaid lauseid kasutavat kattub vastavate lausete tĂ”lgendamisega samas olukorras. Viisime lĂ€bi hinnangukatse, mille tulemusi vĂ”rdleme varem avaldatud tĂ”lgenduskatse tulemustega. MĂ”lema katse andmed koguti jĂ€rjestikuselt ning samadelt katseisikutelt. Hinnangukatse nĂ€itas, et lĂ”unaeestlased hindasid too’d sisaldavate lausete ĂŒtlemist tĂ”enĂ€olisemaks kui pĂ”hjaeestlased. See’d sisaldavate lausete puhul pĂ€ritolu hinnanguid ei eristanud. Sarnaselt tĂ”lgenduskatsega osutus ka hinnangukatses oluliseks referendi kaugus, kuid visuaalne esilduvus andis erinevaid tulemusi, viidates kauguse teguri kesksusele ning esilduvuse perifeersusele demonstratiivide tĂ€henduses. Abstract. Maria Reile, Kristiina Averin, Nele PĂ”ldver: Does see ‘this’ equal too â€˜that’? Rating task with Estonian demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs. Estonian employs two demonstrative pronoun systems – a one-way system (used in North Estonia) where the demonstrative pronoun see is distance neutral, and a two-way system (in South Estonia) where see is the proximal and too the distal demonstrative pronoun. In both systems, demonstrative adverbs are often added to demonstrative pronouns, forming two-demonstrative phrases (e.g., see siin). We conducted a rating study to investigate these phrases, asking which demonstratives the speakers would use in which spatial settings. In addition, we compared these results with a previously published interpretation study to see whether the speakers’ opinions to use or not use certain demonstratives match their interpretations of these demonstratives. The rating study showed that South Estonians would use the demonstrative too more likely as compared to North Estonians while origin had no effect on using the demonstrative see. Both experiments showed a similar effect of distance on demonstrative use, but not visual salience

    Kontekst ja viitamine: argivestlused, legod ja narratiivid

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    KĂ€esolev artikkel kĂ€sitleb konteksti ja viitamisvahendeid, mis loovad konteksti. KĂ€sitlus pĂ”hineb eelkĂ”ige kolmel eraldi lĂ€biviidud uurimusel, milles kĂ”igis oli pĂ”hitĂ€helepanu algselt suunatud viitamisvahenditele. Vaatleme kontekstualiseerimisvĂ”tteid spontaansetes argivestlustes ja kahes katselises olukorras: katses legoklotsidega, milles ĂŒks katsealune ehitab klotsidest maja teise katsealuse juhendamisel, ja pildiseeria pĂ”hjal jutustatud narratiivides. Artiklis vĂ”rreldakse, mis nendes kolmes kontekstis oli sarnast ja mis erinevat eelkĂ”ige vestlustegevuse alguses: tegevuse olemusest mĂ€rku andmises ja referentide loomises. Kuna ĂŒks osa vaadeldavaid narratiive pĂ€rineb lastelt, puudutab artikkel mĂ”nevĂ”rra ka erinevate vanuseliste gruppide viitamisstrateegiaid.Context and reference: everyday conversations, Lego blocks and narratives. The article discusses context and context-creating means of reference. It is mainly based on three separate studies, all of which originally concentrated on referential devices. We examine contextualizing techniques in spontaneous everyday conversations and in two experimental situations: in an experiment with Lego blocks where one of the subjects builds a house using Lego blocks while being instructed by the other subject, and in narratives based on a picture sequence. The article compares the similarities and differences between these three contexts, concentrating particularly on the beginning of the conversational activity: signalling the nature of the activity and creating referents. Since some of the narratives are told by children the article also touches briefly the reference strategies of different age groups

    Demonstratiivpronoomenid ja -adverbid mÀÀratlejatena. Miks me oleme siin ilmas, selles olukorras?

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    KokkuvĂ”te. Artiklis analĂŒĂŒsime eesti keele demonstratiivide referentsiaalseid omadusi sellistes konstruktsioonides, kus demonstratiivid kuuluvad definiitse mÀÀratlejana nimisĂ”nafraasi koosseisu. Otsime vastust kĂŒsimusele, mille poolest erinevad demonstratiivadverb (nt siin, seal) ning demonstratiivpronoomen (see, too), kui need esinevad mÀÀratlejana koos kohakÀÀndes nimisĂ”nafraasiga (vrd siin koolis ja selles koolis). Oleme pĂŒstitanud hĂŒpoteesi, et demonstratiivadverbid seostuvad ruumitĂ€hendust vĂ€ljendavate substantiividega, demonstratiivpronoomenid esinevad aga nende substantiividega, mille referent on mitteruumiline. Uurimuse andmestik pĂ€rineb 2017. aasta eesti keele ĂŒhendkorpusest, kust oleme vĂ”tnud 100 lauset iga demonstratiivi kohta igas kohakÀÀndes, seega kokku 2400 lauset. Materjali analĂŒĂŒsime kvantitatiivselt (tingimuslike otsustuspuude ja juhumetsadega) ning kvalitatiivselt. Uurimuse tulemused kinnitavad, et substantiivi semantilised omadused, tĂ€psemalt substantiivi semantiline klass ning konkreetsus, on seotud mÀÀratleja valikuga. KohatĂ€henduses substantiividega esineb mÀÀratlejana sagedamini demonstratiivadverb, mittekoha tĂ€henduses substantiivide mÀÀratlejana kasutatakse aga demonstratiivpronoomenit. Mittekohta tĂ€histavate substantiivide korral mĂ”jutab mÀÀratleja valikut omakorda sĂ”na konkreetsus. Seega on vĂ”imalik demonstratiivseid mÀÀratlejaid eesti keeles kasutada referenti looval viisil. Abstract. Helen Hint, Piia Taremaa, Maria Reile, Renate Pajusalu: Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs as determiners in Estonian: why are we in “here world” in “this situation”? We investigate the variation of definite determiner constructions in Estonian: noun phrases with a demonstrative pronoun (see ‘this’, too ‘that’) or demonstrative adverb (siin ‘here’, seal ‘there’) as a determiner are contrasted. The question is what differentiates the use of a demonstrative pronoun and a demonstrative adverb if used in a determiner position in an NP. The data from Estonian National Corpus 2017 were tagged for semantic class of a noun, noun concreteness, and verb type. We collected 100 clauses for each sub-construction (six spatial cases crossed with four determiner forms), 2400 clauses in total. For statistical analysis, we used conditional random forests and inference trees. We show that nouns expressing spatial meaning prefer demonstrative adverbs as determiners, while non-spatial nouns combine with demonstrative pronouns. Spatiality-wise polysemous nouns exhibit more varied preferences. Adverbial determiners are more probably used with concrete nouns, and abstract nouns co-occur with pronominals. Overall, the frequency of demonstrative adverbs as NP attributes confirms that demonstrative adverbs are productive determiners in Estonian

    Pelaksanaan Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Awak Kapal pada PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Semarang

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    Penelitian dari pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal pada PT.Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Semarang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal serta mengetahui dan menganalisis hambatan-hambatan apa saja yang muncul serta upaya apa yang dilakukan PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Semarang dalam menanggulangi hambatan pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja atau anak buah kapal. Hasil penelitian ini adalah jika dilihat dari segi perjanjian kerja laut maka tidak mencerminkan kepastian hukum yang pasti. Segi hak waktu kerja, istirahat, dan cuti, PT.Pelni Semarang telah dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Pasal 79 ayat (2) UU Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Segi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, PT.Pelni telah sesuai dengan ketentuan dari UU No.1 Tahun 1970 tentang keselamatan kapal dan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Pelaksanaan tentang Kecelakaan Pelaut. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum ini kurangnya kesadaran hukum para pekerja di kapal atau anak buah kapal (ABK), dan Serikat pekerja (SP) dikuasai oleh Perusahaan dan sikap pemerintah pusat yang pasif dalam merespon permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan transportasi laut. Sehingga kesimpulan penulisan ini yaitu dari segi perjanjian kerja laut tidak mencerminkan kepastian hukum yang pasti, hak waktu kerja, istirahat dan cuti, serta segi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum

    Demonstratives in discourse

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    This volume explores the use of demonstratives in the structuring and management of discourse, and their role as engagement expressions, from a crosslinguistic perspective. It seeks to establish which types of discourse-related functions are commonly encoded by demonstratives, beyond the well-established reference-tracking and deictic uses, and also investigates which members of demonstrative paradigms typically take on certain functions. Moreover, it looks at the roles of non-deictic demonstratives, that is, members of the paradigm which are dedicated e.g. to contrastive, recognitional, or anaphoric functions and do not express deictic distinctions. Several of the studies also focus on manner demonstratives, which have been little studied from a crosslinguistic perspective. The volume thus broadens the scope of investigation of demonstratives to look at how their core functions interact with a wider range of discourse functions in a number of different languages. The volume covers languages from a range of geographical locations and language families, including Cushitic and Mande languages in Africa, Oceanic and Papuan languages in the Pacific region, Algonquian and Guaykuruan in the Americas, and Germanic, Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages in the Eurasian region. It also includes two papers taking a broader typological approach to specific discourse functions of demonstratives

    Demonstratives in discourse

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    This volume explores the use of demonstratives in the structuring and management of discourse, and their role as engagement expressions, from a crosslinguistic perspective. It seeks to establish which types of discourse-related functions are commonly encoded by demonstratives, beyond the well-established reference-tracking and deictic uses, and also investigates which members of demonstrative paradigms typically take on certain functions. Moreover, it looks at the roles of non-deictic demonstratives, that is, members of the paradigm which are dedicated e.g. to contrastive, recognitional, or anaphoric functions and do not express deictic distinctions. Several of the studies also focus on manner demonstratives, which have been little studied from a crosslinguistic perspective. The volume thus broadens the scope of investigation of demonstratives to look at how their core functions interact with a wider range of discourse functions in a number of different languages. The volume covers languages from a range of geographical locations and language families, including Cushitic and Mande languages in Africa, Oceanic and Papuan languages in the Pacific region, Algonquian and Guaykuruan in the Americas, and Germanic, Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages in the Eurasian region. It also includes two papers taking a broader typological approach to specific discourse functions of demonstratives

    Demonstratives in discourse

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    This volume explores the use of demonstratives in the structuring and management of discourse, and their role as engagement expressions, from a crosslinguistic perspective. It seeks to establish which types of discourse-related functions are commonly encoded by demonstratives, beyond the well-established reference-tracking and deictic uses, and also investigates which members of demonstrative paradigms typically take on certain functions. Moreover, it looks at the roles of non-deictic demonstratives, that is, members of the paradigm which are dedicated e.g. to contrastive, recognitional, or anaphoric functions and do not express deictic distinctions. Several of the studies also focus on manner demonstratives, which have been little studied from a crosslinguistic perspective. The volume thus broadens the scope of investigation of demonstratives to look at how their core functions interact with a wider range of discourse functions in a number of different languages. The volume covers languages from a range of geographical locations and language families, including Cushitic and Mande languages in Africa, Oceanic and Papuan languages in the Pacific region, Algonquian and Guaykuruan in the Americas, and Germanic, Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages in the Eurasian region. It also includes two papers taking a broader typological approach to specific discourse functions of demonstratives

    Demonstratives in discourse

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    This volume explores the use of demonstratives in the structuring and management of discourse, and their role as engagement expressions, from a crosslinguistic perspective. It seeks to establish which types of discourse-related functions are commonly encoded by demonstratives, beyond the well-established reference-tracking and deictic uses, and also investigates which members of demonstrative paradigms typically take on certain functions. Moreover, it looks at the roles of non-deictic demonstratives, that is, members of the paradigm which are dedicated e.g. to contrastive, recognitional, or anaphoric functions and do not express deictic distinctions. Several of the studies also focus on manner demonstratives, which have been little studied from a crosslinguistic perspective. The volume thus broadens the scope of investigation of demonstratives to look at how their core functions interact with a wider range of discourse functions in a number of different languages. The volume covers languages from a range of geographical locations and language families, including Cushitic and Mande languages in Africa, Oceanic and Papuan languages in the Pacific region, Algonquian and Guaykuruan in the Americas, and Germanic, Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages in the Eurasian region. It also includes two papers taking a broader typological approach to specific discourse functions of demonstratives